Aliens in This World

An ordinary Catholic and a science fiction and fantasy fan.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Happy Feast of the Bloggers!

Since my proffering of St. Brigid's cook St. Blath (pronounced Blah) didn't pass muster, today we celebrate the man whom Catholic bloggers everywhere have acclaimed as their patron saint!

He was a great scholar. He knew many languages. He fact-checked against original sources. He supported and was supported by fearless, scholarly and religious women. He successfully fought against the world, the flesh and the Devil.

And dang, did he understand flamewars.

St. Jerome -- we who are about to blog, salute you! Pray for us now, and in the hour of our thinking it's a good idea at the time. Give us your blessing, and drop a clue-by-four on our heads whenever we need it. Like you, saint and curmudgeon, may all our combativeness and words help us fight our way through to the Word made flesh, and may all our wandering and pilgrimages lead us to the Way. We ask also for the prayers of your patient friends, St. Paula and St. Eustochium, that we may be both patient friends ourselves and patiently befriended.

Patron saint of translators, pray for all of us crazy people who try to translate things, whether for a living or for fun, that our work may draw people together and teach them something of the truth. Pray also for the writers of translation programs, especially Babelfish, because they really are a help to folks.

In Christ our Lord, Amen.

St. Jerome, aka St. Hieronymus.


  • At 1:22 PM, Blogger Julie D. said…

    Excellent summary. :-)

  • At 7:50 PM, Anonymous Ethan F said…

    I appreciate your insightful perspective on Saint Jerome's influence and relevance in today’s world.


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