Aliens in This World

An ordinary Catholic and a science fiction and fantasy fan.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Adventures in Hymnwriting

Or, more songs nobody else will ever sing! Mwahaha!

I got the idea for this one from the brilliant post on the Bethlehem code on Annunciations. Reading it was one of those "doh!" moments for me. I mean, how many times have I heard "lying in a manger"? Thus the hymn.

In a Manger
Lyrics and Music: Maureen S. O'Brien, 11/25/03

They laid Him in a manger, in a town called House of Bread.
They laid Him in a manger, though He was the one they fed.
They laid Him in a manger, as if harvest time were done
And in the place of grain, they placed our God's own Son.

They found Him in a manger, the poor folk and the proud.
They found Him in a manger, wrapped up as in a shroud.
They found Him in a manger, where the creatures came to eat,
And they knelt, all openmouthed, before the Baby's feet.

Oh praise Him in the manger, laid as on an altarstone.
Oh praise Him in the manger, for He chose this on His throne.
Oh praise Him in the manger, for today the great I Am
Starts in this barn to be our sacrificial Lamb.


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