Aliens in This World

An ordinary Catholic and a science fiction and fantasy fan.

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Tanya Grotter: Good News, Bad News

Good news: The first Tanya Grotter book has been released in Belgium by Roularta. Bad news: The edition consists of only a thousand copies.

Bad news: The Dutch appeals court prohibited the first Tanya Grotter book from being released on grounds of copyright violation. Good news: On that same day, author Dmitrij Yemets finished the seventh book in the series, Tanya Grotter and the Centaur's Shoes.

Good news: With the release of the sixth Tanya Grotter book (TG and the Hammer of Perun) this summer, over a million copies of the books have been sold in Russia. Bad news: I don't have most of them, and there's still no news of them coming out in English soon. (sad puppydog eyes)

(Oh, yeah, and good news: Mr. Yemets wants to send me some Tanya Grotter books! Bad news: The Russian post office is not exactly lightning-fast....)


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