Aliens in This World

An ordinary Catholic and a science fiction and fantasy fan.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Crazy Like a Fox

Imagine my surprise when I poked my head onto the Harper-Collins site looking for the new Bujold sample chapter and instead found an Isabel Allende novel about Zorro.

Let's repeat that, and look at it again. Isabel Allende. Wrote. A novel. About Zorro. And yes, she is doing under the McCulley license So we absolutely will not make any comments about daughters of evil local dictators who fall hopelessly in love with the masked man who fights for justice, even if that was also the plot of the 1940 Mark of Zorro (Tyrone Powers).

Btw, the trailer came out this weekend for the Antonio Banderas/Catherine Zeta Jones sequel The Legend of Zorro. We get to see Zorro married with children. (Which of course owes nothing at all to Spy Kids and The Incredibles insisting that parents are their kids' heroes, in many ways...What a nice new geektrend!)

Also btw, the new Zorro comic is also coming out this month. It certainly looks nice, and the plot of the first issue seems rather unique: Zorro and girlfriend have been fleeing soldiers for a month!


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