Aliens in This World

An ordinary Catholic and a science fiction and fantasy fan.

Friday, March 12, 2004

With Deepest Sympathy

I'm afraid that I forgot yesterday to blog about the bombing in Madrid. I've long known that ETA was a sick and disgusting group, but this was low even for them. They've tried it before; this time they succeeded. They are trying to disrupt Spain's elections. But the people of Spain will not surrender democracy to terrorism, I know. They've fought too long and too hard this century to give up tamely. Let us all stand by Spain today and in the days to come.

May St. James the Greater (Santiago) intercede for the police and military seeking the evildoers. May St. Isidore of Madrid and St. Teresa of Avila pray for those seeking answers to such horror. May St. John of the Cross pray for those who suffer and need healing. May Our Lady pray for those who mourn. May the ten Madrid martyrs, also murdered in the name of politics, pray for all those who died, that they may come safely home to God. And may God, who knows all who were murdered and all the murderers, preserve freedom and bring both justice and healing to the noble and beautiful land of Spain. Amen.


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