Sean and Jennifer Got Married
And they looked very cute doing it.

All that sturm und drang beforehand, and it all worked out fine on the day.
Also, my cantoring went well. I sang the current version of "The Apple Tree" (yes, I changed the words again), then Schubert's "Ave Maria". (I had to do three verses; the guys hadn't really registered that me singing "The Apple Tree" meant they'd better get everybody seated, since the mothers were to be seated during the "Ave Maria".) We did service music chosen by the bride, groom and organist: some kind of Gelineau Psalm 148, "Celtic Alleluia" (which actually sounds somewhat Celtic in the arrangement for parts, I discovered recently, but still not really. I like it, though.), "Love Is the Sunlight" (ttto "Morning Is Broken", not Haas' "Shade"), service music from the "Mass of Creation", and the Moore "Taste and See" for Communion. The opening and closing marches were by the organist on the extremely cool and old pipe organ at St. John the Evangelist's in Frederick, Maryland. (I think the first one was the Trumpet Voluntary and the ending one was "Hornpipes" from Handel.) I sang "The Apple Tree" a capella, but the other ones with microphone assistance (well, heck, there was a pipe organ playing over my head!). Excellent choir loft and acoustics, btw.
I got to sit at the "geek table" with Sean's astronomy buddies from the planetarium at the Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space. Very cool folks all.
I'd say more, because I did enjoy myself; but I'm also still very tired, even a week later.
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